Hey Guys!
I'm running my  entire cluster (12hosts/89osds - v15.2.22) on Docker and everything runs smoothly.

But  I'm kind of "blind" here: ceph-crash is not running inside the containers.
And there's nothing related to "ceph-crash" in the docker logs either....

Is there a special way to configure it?
Should I create and external volume and run a single instance of it?

Guilherme Geronimo (aKa Arthur)

docker-compose example:

      container_name: osd106
      image: ceph/daemon:latest-nautilus
      command: osd_directory_single
      restart: unless-stopped
      pid: "host"
      network_mode: host
      privileged: true
        - /dev/:/dev/
        - ../ceph.conf:/etc/ceph
        - ./data/ceph-106/:/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-106

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