mkdir /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-$(hostname -s)
This has to be done on new host, right?
ceph auth get mon. -o /tmp/mon-keyfile
ceph mon getmap -o /tmp/mon-monmap
This has to be done on the running mon host, right? Then we have to send
monmap and keyfiles on the new host?
ceph-mon -i $(hostname -s) --mkfs --monmap /tmp/mon-monmap --keyring
chown -R ceph: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-$(hostname -s)
systemctl start ceph-mon@$(hostname -s)
Always on the new mon host I suppose.
Question: You don't have to add the new monitor (i.e. mon2) on the
monitor map of the running monitor to allow to join the cluster? Because
these are the instruction I followed but the mon2 doesn't start because
it was not mapped on the cluster.
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