Hello ceph community,
First of all, I want to thank the developers for coming up with such a
remarkable software. I think the cephadm was a great addition to
minimize the time invested in deployment, and it also works great as a
way to decouple the service from the underlying infrastructure.
For the last couple of months I've been trying to upgrade a pacific
(v16.2.0) cluster to the lastest version, but the upgrading process
seems to be stuck at the very begining. The mgr log (debug level) does
not show any significant message regarding the upgrade, other than when
it is started/paused/resumed/stopped.
Another problem we have, which may be related, is the imposibility to
deploy RGWs. It was not possible to deploy de RGWs using this command,
which I think is the standard way to deploy daemons.
ceph orch apply rgw orbyta --realm=realma --zone=zonea --placement="2"
The following sentences where used:
ceph orch daemon add rgw zonea --placement hostb
ceph orch daemon add rgw zonea --placement hosta
After those commands were issued the orchestrator would still not deploy
the RGWs, unless the current MGR failed over to another standby MGR.
After that, the RGWs where depoyed.
Another problem I have is the refresh parameter of the orchestrator. The
last time the daemons listed in ceph orch ps where refreshed is the last
time a MGR was set to failed, and issuing ceph orch ps --refresh does
not seem to work.
Finally, when I try to remove an OSD, using the sentence "ceph orch osd
rm <id>", there is no progress in the task. "ceph orch osd rm status"
only shows that the task was started, but there is no draining.
# ceph orch osd rm status
56 hostb started 109 False False None
It looks like all those symptoms are related somehow, but I don't know
how to dig further into the internals of the orchestrator to get more
I greatly appreciate if you can point me in the right direction.
Thank you, kind regards.
AltaVoz <https://www.altavoz.net/>
Fernando Cid
Ingeniero de Operaciones
www.altavoz.net <https://www.altavoz.net/>
Ubicación AltaVoz
Viña del Mar: 2 Poniente 355 of 53
<https://www.altavoz.net/altavoz/contacto> | +56 32 276 8060
Santiago: Antonio Bellet 292 of 701
<https://www.altavoz.net/altavoz/contacto> | +56 2 2585 4264
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