Hello, further information.
I discovered that sometimes restarting cinder services with netapp nfs
drivers, it tries to change ownership of .snapshot directories :
chown: changing ownership of
Read-only file system
chown: changing ownership of
Read-only file system
chown: changing ownership of
Read-only file system
chown: changing ownership of
Read-only file system
chown: changing ownership of
Read-only file system
chown: changing ownership of
Read-only file system
chown: changing ownership of
Read-only file system
chown: changing ownership of
'/var/lib/cinder/mnt/b36168a69e993d67635862db6ab238d1/.snapshot': Read-only
file system

Of course it cannot do it.
Could be this the problem ?


Il giorno lun 26 lug 2021 alle ore 19:36 Ignazio Cassano <
ignaziocass...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Hello All,
> I am playing witk kolla wallaby on ubuntu 20.04.
> When I add a new backend type, volume container stop to work and continue
> to restarting and all instances are stopped.
> I can solve only restarting one controller at a time.
> This morning I had cinder configurated for nfs netapp with 24 instances
> running.
> I added the ceph backend in globals.yml and all configurations suggested
> in /etc/kolla/config.
> Then I launched kolla-ansible deploy.
> No errors occurred in deployment but all instances went in stopped state
> and cinder service-list reported nfs backend down. Cinder volume container
> remained in restarting.
> Only restarting one controller at a time cinder volume started and then I
> was able ti use cinder with ceph and nfs.
> Seems it happens every time I modify cinder.
> Any suggestion, please?
> Ignazio
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