Thanks for clarification

> according to what i tested, this is not the case. deletion of a topic only
> prevents the creation of new notifications with that topic.
> it does not effect the deletion of notifications with that topic, not the
> actual sending of these notifications.
> note that we also added a cascade delete process to delete all
> notifications of a bucket when a bucket is deleted.
> (it should be in pacific:

You are right, this is cleaned up as expected.
I re-ran my tests and it turned out problems show up after deleting the
internal topic (created upon creation of notification).
When I did that initially I didn't know about internal topics and in my
eagerness I deleted all topics to start over. This triggered an issue with
deleting notifications.

In my case with topics as below

# radosgw-admin topic list --tenant marvel --uid none
    "topics": [
            "topic": {
                "user": "marvel",
                "name": "MyTopic",
                "dest": {
                    "bucket_name": "",
                    "oid_prefix": "",
                    "push_endpoint": "amqp://",
                    "push_endpoint_topic": "MyTopic",
                    "stored_secret": "false",
                    "persistent": "false"
                "arn": "arn:aws:sns:default:marvel:MyTopic",
                "opaqueData": ""
            "subs": []
            "topic": {
                "user": "marvel",
                "name": "bucket-by-thanos_notification_MyTopic",
                "dest": {
                    "bucket_name": "",
                    "oid_prefix": "",
                    "push_endpoint": "amqp://",
                    "push_endpoint_topic": "MyTopic",
                    "stored_secret": "false",
                    "persistent": "false"
                "arn": "arn:aws:sns:default:marvel:MyTopic",
                "opaqueData": ""
            "subs": []

Once I delete both of those and attempt to delete the notification on the
bucket, RGW logs as below.
Returned status code is 200 but notification can still be listed.


debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.823+0000 7fefed33a700 10 cache get:
: hit (requested=0x6, cached=0x17)
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.823+0000 7fefed33a700 20 get_system_obj_state:
s->obj_tag was set empty
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.823+0000 7fefed33a700 10 cache get:
: hit (requested=0x1, cached=0x17)
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.823+0000 7fefed33a700 20 get_system_obj_state:
rctx=0x558dd865b1c0 obj=my-rgw.rgw.log:pubsub.marvel state=0x558dd5ff9720
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.823+0000 7fefed33a700 10 cache get:
name=my-rgw.rgw.log++pubsub.marvel : hit (requested=0x16, cached=0x17)
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.823+0000 7fefed33a700 20 get_system_obj_state:
s->obj_tag was set empty
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.823+0000 7fefed33a700 10 cache get:
name=my-rgw.rgw.log++pubsub.marvel : hit (requested=0x11, cached=0x17)
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.823+0000 7fefed33a700 10 distributing
notification oid=my-rgw.rgw.control:notify.0 bl.length()=189
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.823+0000 7ff108570700 10
RGWWatcher::handle_notify()  notify_id 3573413718119 cookie 94067650647552
notifier 14638216 bl.length()=189
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.831+0000 7fefe3b27700 20 get_system_obj_state:
rctx=0x558dd865b1c0 obj=my-rgw.rgw.log:pubsub.marvel state=0x558dd5ff9720
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.831+0000 7fefe3b27700 10 cache get:
name=my-rgw.rgw.log++pubsub.marvel : hit (requested=0x1, cached=0x17)
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.839+0000 7fefe3b27700  1 ERROR: topic not found
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.839+0000 7fefe3b27700  1 ERROR: failed to read
topic info: ret=-2
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.839+0000 7fefe3b27700  1 failed to remove
notification of topic 'bucket-by-thanos_notification_MyTopic', ret=-2
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.839+0000 7fefe3b27700 20 get_system_obj_state:
rctx=0x558dd865b1c0 obj=my-rgw.rgw.log:pubsub.marvel state=0x558dd5ff9720
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.839+0000 7fefe3b27700 10 cache get:
name=my-rgw.rgw.log++pubsub.marvel : hit (requested=0x11, cached=0x17)
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.843+0000 7ff007b6f700 10 cache put:
name=my-rgw.rgw.log++pubsub.marvel info.flags=0x17
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.843+0000 7ff007b6f700 10 moving
my-rgw.rgw.log++pubsub.marvel to cache LRU end
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.843+0000 7ff007b6f700 10 distributing
notification oid=my-rgw.rgw.control:notify.4 bl.length()=189
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.843+0000 7ff108d71700 10
RGWWatcher::handle_notify()  notify_id 3573413545888 cookie 94067664846848
notifier 14638216 bl.length()=189
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.843+0000 7ff108d71700 10 cache put:
name=my-rgw.rgw.log++pubsub.marvel info.flags=0x17
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.843+0000 7ff108d71700 10 moving
my-rgw.rgw.log++pubsub.marvel to cache LRU end
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.843+0000 7feff6b4d700  2 req 329 0.019999718s
s3:pubsub_notification_delete_s3 completing
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.843+0000 7feff6b4d700 20 get_system_obj_state:
rctx=0x7ff122a72750 obj=my-rgw.rgw.log:script.postrequest.marvel
state=0x558dd5ff9720 s->prefetch_data=0
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.843+0000 7feff6b4d700 10 cache get:
name=my-rgw.rgw.log++script.postrequest.marvel : hit (negative entry)
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.843+0000 7feff6b4d700  2 req 329 0.019999718s
s3:pubsub_notification_delete_s3 op status=0
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.847+0000 7feff6b4d700  2 req 329 0.023999661s
s3:pubsub_notification_delete_s3 http status=200
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.847+0000 7feff6b4d700  1 ====== req done
req=0x7ff122a73620 op status=0 http_status=200 latency=0.023999661s ======
debug 2021-06-25T08:36:59.847+0000 7feff6b4d700  1 beast: 0x7ff122a73620: - marvel$oidc$f1be270a-d6a0-4f97-b444-c1f23816b25a
[25/Jun/2021:08:36:59.823 +0000] "DELETE
/bucket-by-thanos?notification=bucket-by-thanos_notification HTTP/1.1" 200
0 - "PostmanRuntime/7.28.0" -

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