Hello Frank,

On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 2:16 AM Frank Schilder <fr...@dtu.dk> wrote:
> Dear all,
> some time ago I reported that the kernel client resorts to a copy instead of 
> move when moving a file across quota domains. I was told that the fuse client 
> does not have this problem. If enough space is available, a move should be a 
> move, not a copy.
> Today, I tried to move a large file across quota domains testing botn, the 
> kernel- and the fuse client. Both still resort to a copy even though this 
> issue was addressed quite a while ago 
> (https://lists.ceph.io/hyperkitty/list/ceph-users@ceph.io/thread/44AEIHNEGKV4VGCARRTARGFZ264CR4T7/#XY7ZCE3KWHI4QSUNZHDWL3QZQFOHXRQW).
>  The versions I'm using are (CentOS 7)
> # yum list installed | grep ceph-fuse
> ceph-fuse.x86_64                      2:13.2.10-0.el7               @ceph
> # uname -r
> 3.10.0-1160.31.1.el7.x86_64
> Any suggestions how to get this to work? I have to move directories 
> containing 100+ TB.

ceph-fuse reverted this behavior in: https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/48203
The kernel had a patch around that time too.

In summary, it was not possible to accurately account for the quota
usage prior to doing the rename. Rather than allow a quota to
potentially be massively overrun, we fell back to the old behavior of
not allowing it.

Patrick Donnelly, Ph.D.
He / Him / His
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat Sunnyvale, CA
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