On 5/31/21 3:02 PM, mhnx wrote:
Yes you're right. I have a Global sync rule in the zonegroup:
             "sync_from_all": "true",
             "sync_from": [],
             "redirect_zone": ""

If I need to stop/start the sync after creation I use the command:
radosgw-admin bucket sync enable/disable --bucket=$newbucket

I developed it but clients can create bucket and I have no control on
the bucket if it's created out of my program.

Because of that I'm looking something:
1- Do not sync buckets if its not enabled by me.
2- Sync all the other "sync started" buckets.

This can be achieved using Multisite sync-policy  [1]. Create a group policy which allows sync (but not enabled) across all the zones & buckets. And then create another policy at bucket(s) level to enable sync for only those particular ones. Refer to Example-3 in the same page [2].



[1] https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/multisite-sync-policy/

[2] https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/multisite-sync-policy/#example-3-mirror-a-specific-bucket

Szabo, Istvan (Agoda) <istvan.sz...@agoda.com>, 31 May 2021 Pzt, 12:11
tarihinde şunu yazdı:
Bucket is created but if no sync rule set, the data will not be synced across.

Istvan Szabo
Senior Infrastructure Engineer
Agoda Services Co., Ltd.
e: istvan.sz...@agoda.com

-----Original Message-----
From: mhnx <morphinwith...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2021 4:07 PM
To: Ceph Users <ceph-users@ceph.io>
Subject: [Suspicious newsletter] [ceph-users] Bucket creation on RGW Multisite 


I have a multisite RGW environment.
When I create a new bucket, the bucket is directly created on master and 
If I don't want to sync a bucket, I need to stop sync after creation.
Is there any global option as "Do not sync directly, only start if I want to" ?
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