
Am 15.03.21 um 12:09 schrieb Dan van der Ster:

> We're looking for a way to reeactivate osd like this without rebooting.
> For example, logs showing sdd disappear then reappear as sdq from this
> morning are in the P.S.
> We tried pvscan, vgscan, lvscan, but in all cases when trying to
> activate the osd we get an I/O error, as if the dm entry for the lv/vg
> is still referring to /dev/sdd.
> Is there some obvious way to properly tear down what refers to sdd /
> 0:0:3:0 so that we can activate sdq ?
> (In this case, we have already rebooted the box so I won't be able to
> test immediately.)

My experience with LVM is that only a reboot helps in this situation.

Robert Sander
Heinlein Support GmbH
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