For those interested in this issue. We've been seeing OSDs with corrupted wals 
after they had a suicide time out. I've updated the ticket created by William 
with some of our logs.

We're using ceph 15.2.2 in this cluster. Currently we are contemplating a way 
forward, but it looks like the wals are being corrupted under load.

Kind regards,


From: William Law <>
Sent: Tuesday, 19 January 2021 18:48
Subject: [ceph-users] Nautilus Cluster Struggling to Come Back Online

I guess as a sort of follow up from my previous post.  Our Nautilus (14.2.16 on 
ubuntu 18.04) cluster had some sort of event that caused many of the machines 
to have memory errors.  The aftermath is that initially some OSDs had (and 
continue to have) this error  others 
won't start for various reasons.

The OSDs that *will* start are badly behind the current epoch for the most part.

It sounds very similar to this:

We are having trouble getting things back online.

I think the path forward is to:
-set noup/nodown/noout/nobackfill/and wait for the OSDs that run to come up; we 
were making good progress yesterday until some of the OSDs crashed with OOM 
errors.  We are again moving forward but understandably nervous.
-export the PGs from questionable OSDs and and then rebuild the OSDs; import 
the PGs if necessary (very likely).  Repeat until we are up.

Any suggestions for increasing speed?  We are using 
noup/nobackfill/norebalance/pause but the epoch catchup is taking a very long 
time.  Any tips for keeping the epoch from moving forward or speeding up the 
OSDs catching up? How can we estimate how long it should take?

Thank you for any ideas or assistance anyone can provide.

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