Hi all,

We've recently run into an issue where our single ceph rbd pool is throwing 
errors for nearfull osds. The OSDs themselves vary in PGs/%full with a low of 
64/78% and a high of 73/86%. Is there any suggestions on how to get this to 
balance a little more cleanly? Currently we have 360 drives in a single pool 
with 8192 PGs. I think we may be able to double the PG num and that will 
balance things a bit cleaner but I just wanted to see if there may be anything 
the community suggests other than that.  Let me know if there's any further 
info I forgot to provide if that'll help sort this out.


    CLASS     SIZE        AVAIL       USED        RAW USED     %RAW USED
    ssd       741 TiB     135 TiB     606 TiB      607 TiB         81.85
    TOTAL     741 TiB     135 TiB     606 TiB      607 TiB         81.85

    POOL     ID     STORED      OBJECTS     USED        %USED     MAX AVAIL
    pool      1     162 TiB      46.81M     494 TiB     89.02        20 TiB

    health: HEALTH_WARN
            85 nearfull osd(s)
            1 pool(s) nearfull

    osd: 360 osds: 360 up (since 7d), 360 in (since 7d)

    pools:   1 pools, 8192 pgs
    objects: 46.81M objects, 169 TiB
    usage:   607 TiB used, 135 TiB / 741 TiB avail
    pgs:     8192 active+clean
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