I would say everyone recommends at least 3 monitors and since they need to be 
1,3,5 or 7 I always read that as 5 is the best number (if you have 5 servers in 
your cluster). The other reason is high availability since the MONs use Paxos 
for the quorum and I like to have 3 in the quorum you need 5 to be able to do 
maintenance. (2 out of 3, 3 out of 5… ) So if you are doing maintenance on a 
mon host in a 5 mon cluster you will still have 3 in the quorum.

From: huxia...@horebdata.cn <huxia...@horebdata.cn>
Date: Friday, February 12, 2021 at 8:42 AM
To: Freddy Andersen <fre...@cfandersen.com>, Marc <m...@f1-outsourcing.eu>, 
Michal Strnad <michal.str...@cesnet.cz>, ceph-users <ceph-users@ceph.io>
Subject: [ceph-users] Re: Backups of monitor
Why 5 instead of 3 MONs are required?


From: Freddy Andersen
Date: 2021-02-12 16:05
To: huxia...@horebdata.cn; Marc; Michal Strnad; ceph-users
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Re: Backups of monitor
I would say production should have 5 MON servers

From: huxia...@horebdata.cn <huxia...@horebdata.cn>
Date: Friday, February 12, 2021 at 7:59 AM
To: Marc <m...@f1-outsourcing.eu>, Michal Strnad <michal.str...@cesnet.cz>, 
ceph-users <ceph-users@ceph.io>
Subject: [ceph-users] Re: Backups of monitor
Normally any production Ceph cluster will have at least 3 MONs, does it reall 
need a backup of MON?



From: Marc
Date: 2021-02-12 14:36
To: Michal Strnad; ceph-users@ceph.io
Subject: [ceph-users] Re: Backups of monitor
So why not create an extra start it only when you want to make a backup, wait 
until it is up to date, stop it and then stop it to back it up?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michal Strnad <michal.str...@cesnet.cz>
> Sent: 11 February 2021 21:15
> To: ceph-users@ceph.io
> Subject: [ceph-users] Backups of monitor
> Hi all,
> We are looking for a proper solution for backups of monitor (all maps
> that they hold). On the internet we found advice that we have to stop
> one of monitor, back it up (dump) and start daemon again. But this is
> not right approach due to risk of loosing quorum and need of
> synchronization after monitor is back online.
> Our goal is to have at least some (recent) metadata of objects in
> cluster for the last resort when all monitors are in very bad
> shape/state and we could start any of them. Maybe there is another
> approach but we are not aware of it.
> We are running the latest nautilus and three monitors on every cluster.
> Ad. We don't want to use more monitors than thee.
> Thank you
> Cheers
> Michal
> --
> Michal Strnad

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