On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 9:47 AM John Petrini <jpetr...@coredial.com> wrote:
> I've always been curious about this. Does anyone have any experience
> spanning an LVM VG over multiple RBDs?

I do on RHEL, it works very well.  Each RDB device has some inherent IO
limitations, but using multiple in parallel works quite well.  We never
were able to use fancy striping for this purpose, but LVM is simple, well
tested, and does not require any extra considerations.  We currently just
use spanned volumes, not striped (although this would be interesting), and
allow parallelization to take place via database itself - the parallel IOs
are not necessarily aligned on RBD boundaries, but for our purposes, and
using all SSD OSDs this is enough.

Alex Gorbachev

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