I have used CEPH together with Debian for many years and it has worked great for my usecase too. In the end it all comes down to what you find most convenient that works best. CEPH is still CEPH despite what kind of distro that is running below :)

Jonathan Sélea

Website: https://jonathanselea.se
PGP Key: 0x8B35B3C894B964DD
Fingerprint: 4AF2 10DE 996B 673C 0FD8  AFA0 8B35 B3C8 94B9 64DD

On 2021-01-14 16:50, Sasha Litvak wrote:
What is not clear for me is what will be available for container images. I run ceph in containers. Also I wonder if IBM will decide closing ceph and
other projects cimilar to CentOS.

On Thu, Jan 14, 2021, 7:01 AM Szabo, Istvan (Agoda) <istvan.sz...@agoda.com>

Thank you guys, so we might should use ububtu based then as it has good
driver support and the lts sounds like a working solution.

Istvan Szabo
Senior Infrastructure Engineer
Agoda Services Co., Ltd.
e: istvan.sz...@agoda.com<mailto:istvan.sz...@agoda.com>

On 2021. Jan 14., at 19:50, Martin Verges <martin.ver...@croit.io> wrote:

Email received from outside the company. If in doubt don't click links
nor open attachments!


we from croit use Ceph on Debian and deploy all our clusters with it.
It works like a charm and I personally have quite good experience with
it since ~20 years. It is a fantastic solid OS for Servers.

Martin Verges
Managing director

Mobile: +49 174 9335695
E-Mail: martin.ver...@croit.io
Chat: https://t.me/MartinVerges

croit GmbH, Freseniusstr. 31h, 81247 Munich
CEO: Martin Verges - VAT-ID: DE310638492
Com. register: Amtsgericht Munich HRB 231263

Web: https://croit.io
YouTube: https://goo.gl/PGE1Bx

Am Do., 14. Jan. 2021 um 11:12 Uhr schrieb David Majchrzak, ODERLAND
Webbhotell AB <da...@oderland.se>:

One of our providers (cloudlinux)  released a 1:1 binary compatible
redhat fork due to the changes with Centos 8.

Could be worth looking at.


In our case we're using ceph on debian 10.


David Majchrzak
Oderland Webbhotell AB
Östra Hamngatan 50B, 411 09 Göteborg, SWEDEN

Den 2021-01-14 kl. 09:04, skrev Szabo, Istvan (Agoda):

Just curious how you guys move forward with this Centos 8 change.

We just finished installing our full multisite cluster and looks like we
need to change the operating system.

So curious if you are using centos 8 with ceph, where you are going to
move forward.

Thank you

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