Dear Michael,

I was also wondering whether deleting the broken pool could clean up 
everything. The difficulty is, that while migrating a pool to new devices is 
easy via a crush rule change, migrating data between pools is not so easy. In 
particular, if you can't afford downtime.

In case you can afford some downtime, it might be possible to migrate fast by 
creating a new pool and use the pool copy command to migrate the data (rados 
cppool ...). Its important that the FS is shutdown (no MDS active) during this 
copy process. After copy, one could either rename the pools to have the copy 
match the fs data pool name, or change the data pool at the top level 
directory. You might need to set some pool meta data by hand, notably, the fs 

Having said that, I have no idea how a ceph fs reacts if presented with a 
replacement data pool. Although I don't believe that meta data contains the 
pool IDs, I cannot exclude that complication. The copy pool variant should be 
tested with an isolated FS first.

The other option is what you describe, create a new data pool, make the fs root 
placed on this pool and copy every file onto itself. This should also do the 
trick. However, with this method you will not be able to get rid of the broken 
pool. After the copy, you could, however, reduce the number of PGs to below the 
unhealthy one and the broken PG(s) might get deleted cleanly. Then you still 
have a surplus pool, but at least all PGs are clean.

I hope one of these will work. Please post your experience here.

Best regards,
Frank Schilder
AIT Risø Campus
Bygning 109, rum S14

From: Michael Thomas <>
Sent: 22 November 2020 18:29:16
To: Frank Schilder;
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Re: multiple OSD crash, unfound objects

On 10/23/20 3:07 AM, Frank Schilder wrote:
> Hi Michael.
>> I still don't see any traffic to the pool, though I'm also unsure how much 
>> traffic is to be expected.
> Probably not much. If ceph df shows that the pool contains some objects, I 
> guess that's sorted.
> That osdmaptool crashes indicates that your cluster runs with corrupted 
> internal data. I tested your crush map and you should get complete PGs for 
> the fs data pool. That you don't and that osdmaptool crashes points at a 
> corruption of internal data. I'm afraid this is the point where you need 
> support from ceph developers and should file a tracker report 
> ( A short description of the 
> origin of the situation with the osdmaptool output and a reference to this 
> thread linked in should be sufficient. Please post a link to the ticket here.

> In parallel, you should probably open a new thread focussed on the osd map 
> corruption. Maybe there are low-level commands to repair it.

Will do.

> You should wait with trying to clean up the unfound objects until this is 
> resolved. Not sure about adding further storage either. To me, this sounds 
> quite serious.

Another approach that I'm considering is to create a new pool using the
same set of OSDs, adding it to the set of cephfs data pools, and
migrating the data from the "broken" pool to the new pool.

I have some additional unused storage that I could add to this new pool,
if I can figure out the right crush rules to make sure they don't get
used for the "broken" pool too.

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