
I have changed most of pools from 3-replica to ec 4+2 in my cluster, when I use ceph df command to show

the used capactiy of the cluster:

    CLASS         SIZE        AVAIL       USED        RAW USED     %RAW USED
    hdd           1.8 PiB     788 TiB     1.0 PiB      1.0 PiB         57.22
    ssd           7.9 TiB     4.6 TiB     181 GiB      3.2 TiB         41.15
    ssd-cache     5.2 TiB     5.2 TiB      67 GiB       73 GiB          1.36
    TOTAL         1.8 PiB     798 TiB     1.0 PiB      1.0 PiB         56.99
    POOL                                ID     STORED      OBJECTS     USED        %USED     MAX AVAIL
    default-oss.rgw.control             1         0 B           8         0 B         0       1.3 TiB
    default-oss.rgw.meta                2      22 KiB          97     3.9 MiB         0       1.3 TiB
    default-oss.rgw.log                 3     525 KiB         223     621 KiB         0       1.3 TiB
    default-oss.rgw.buckets.index       4      33 MiB          34      33 MiB         0       1.3 TiB
    default-oss.rgw.buckets.non-ec      5     1.6 MiB          48     3.8 MiB         0       1.3 TiB
    .rgw.root                            6     3.8 KiB          16     720 KiB         0       1.3 TiB
    default-oss.rgw.buckets.data        7     274 GiB     185.39k     450 GiB      0.14       212 TiB
    default-fs-metadata                 8     488 GiB     153.10M     490 GiB     10.65       1.3 TiB
    default-fs-data0                    9     374 TiB       1.48G     939 TiB     74.71       212 TiB


The USED = 3 * STORED in 3-replica mode is completely right, but for EC 4+2 pool (for default-fs-data0 )

the USED is not equal 1.5 * STORED, why...:(


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