Dear Cepher, I am planning a cephfs cluster with ca. 100 OSD nodes, each of which has 12 disks, and 2 NVMe (for db wal and cephfs metadata pool). Fpr performance and scalability reasons, i would like to try multi MDS working ative-active. From what i learned in the past, i am not sure about the following questions.
1 Which Ceph version should i run? I had a good experience with Luminous 12.2.13, and not familiar yet with Mimic and Nautilus. Is Lumious 12.2.13 stable enouth to run multiple active-active MDS servers for CephFS? 2 If i had to go Mimic or Nautilus for CephFS, which one is perferable? 3 I did has some experience with Ceph RBD, but not CephFS, So my question is, what should i pay attention to whening running CephFS? I am somehow nervous...... best regards, Samuel _______________________________________________ ceph-users mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to