Thank you..I looked through both logs and noticed this in the cancel one:

osd_op(unknown.0.0:4164 41.2 41:55b0279d:reshard::reshard.0000000009:head [call 
rgw.reshard_remove] snapc 0=[] ondisk+write+known_if_redirected e24984) v8 -- 
0x7fe9b3625710 con 0
osd_op_reply(4164 reshard.0000000009 [call] v24984'105796943 uv105796922 ondisk 
= -2 ((2) No such file or directory)) v8 ==== 162+0+0 (203651653 0 0) 
0x7fe9880044a0 con 0x7fe9b3625b70
ERROR: failed to remove entry from reshard log, oid=reshard.0000000009 tenant= 

Is there anything else that I should look for?  It looks like the cancel 
process thinks that reshard.0000000009 is present (and probably blocking my 
attempts at resharding) but it's not actually there and thus can't be removed.
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