I have ceph cluster version 14.2.7 (3d58626ebeec02d8385a4cefb92c6cbc3a45bfe8)
nautilus (stable)
4 nodes - each node 11 HDD, 1 SSD, 10Gbit network
Cluster was empty, fresh install. We filled cluster with data (small blocks)
using RGW.
Cluster is now used for testing so no client was using it during my admin
operations mentioned below
After a while (7TB of data / 40M objects uploaded) we decided, that we increase pg_num from 128 to 256 to better spread data and to speedup
this operation, I've set
ceph config set mgr target_max_misplaced_ratio 1
so that whole cluster rebalance as quickly as it can.
I have 3 issues/questions below:
I noticed, that manual increase from 128 to 256 caused approx. 6 OSD's to
restart with logged
heartbeat_map clear_timeout 'OSD::osd_op_tp thread 0x7f8c84b8b700' had suicide
timed out after 150
after a while OSD's were back so I continued after a while with my tests.
My question - increasing number of PG with maximal target_max_misplaced_ratio was too much for that OSDs? It is not recommended to do it
this way? I had no problem with this increase before, but configuration of cluster was slightly different and it was luminous version.
Rebuild was still slow so I increased number of backfills
ceph tell osd.* injectargs "--osd-max-backfills 10"
and reduced recovery sleep time
ceph tell osd.* injectargs "--osd-recovery-sleep-hdd 0.01"
and after few hours I noticed, that some of my OSD's were restarted during
recovery, in log I can see
|2020-03-21 06:41:28.343 7fe1f8bee700 1 heartbeat_map is_healthy 'OSD::osd_op_tp thread 0x7fe1da154700' had timed out after 15 2020-03-21
06:41:28.343 7fe1f8bee700 1 heartbeat_map is_healthy 'OSD::osd_op_tp thread 0x7fe1da154700' had timed out after 15 2020-03-21 06:41:36.780
7fe1da154700 1 heartbeat_map clear_timeout 'OSD::osd_op_tp thread 0x7fe1da154700' had timed out after 15 2020-03-21 06:41:36.888
7fe1e7769700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] : Monitor daemon marked osd.7 down, but it is still running 2020-03-21 06:41:36.888
7fe1e7769700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [DBG] : map e3574 wrongly marked me down at e3573 2020-03-21 06:41:36.888 7fe1e7769700 1 osd.7 3574
start_waiting_for_healthy |
I observed network graph usage and network utilization was low during recovery
(10Gbit was not saturated).
So lot of IOPS on OSD causes also hartbeat operation to timeout? I thought that OSD is using threads and HDD timeouts are not influencing
heartbeats to other OSD's and MON. It looks like it is not true.
After OSD was wrongly marked down I can see that cluster has object degraded.
There were no degraded object before that.
Degraded data redundancy: 251754/117225048 objects degraded (0.215%), 8 pgs
degraded, 8 pgs undersized
It means that this OSD disconnection causes data degraded? How is it possible, when no OSD was lost. Data should be on that OSD and after
peering should be everything OK. With luminous I had no problem, after OSD up degraded objects where recovered/found during few seconds and
cluster was healthy within seconds.
Thank you very much for additional info. I can perform additional tests you
recommend because cluster is used for testing purpose now.
With regards
Jan Pekar
Ing. Jan Pekař
Imatic | Jagellonská 14 | Praha 3 | 130 00
http://www.imatic.cz | +420326555326
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