On 02/05/2020 07:03 AM, Gesiel Galvão Bernardes wrote:
> Em dom., 2 de fev. de 2020 às 00:37, Gesiel Galvão Bernardes
> <gesiel.bernar...@gmail.com <mailto:gesiel.bernar...@gmail.com>> escreveu:
>     Hi,
>     Just now was possible continue this. Below is the information
>     required. Thanks advan

Hey, sorry for the late reply. I just back from PTO.

>     esxcli storage nmp device list -d naa.6001405ba48e0b99e4c418ca13506c8e
>     naa.6001405ba48e0b99e4c418ca13506c8e
>        Device Display Name: LIO-ORG iSCSI Disk
>     (naa.6001405ba48e0b99e4c418ca13506c8e)
>        Storage Array Type: VMW_SATP_ALUA
>        Storage Array Type Device Config: {implicit_support=on;
>     explicit_support=off; explicit_allow=on; alua_followover=on;
>     action_OnRetryErrors=on; {TPG_id=1,TPG_state=ANO}}
>        Path Selection Policy: VMW_PSP_MRU
>        Path Selection Policy Device Config: Current Path=vmhba68:C0:T0:L0
>        Path Selection Policy Device Custom Config:
>        Working Paths: vmhba68:C0:T0:L0
>        Is USB: false


>     Failed: H:0x0 D:0x2 P:0x0 Valid sense data: 0x2 0x4 0xa. Act:FAILOVER

Are you sure you are using tcmu-runner 1.4? Is that the actual daemon
reversion running? Did you by any chance install the 1.4 rpm, but you/it
did not restart the daemon? The error code above is returned in 1.3 and

You are probably hitting a combo of 2 issues.

We had only listed ESX 6.5 in the docs you probably saw, and in 6.7 the
value of action_OnRetryErrors defaulted to on instead of off. You should
set this back to off.

You should also upgrade to the current version of tcmu-runner 1.5.x. It
should fix the issue you are hitting, so non IO commands like inquiry,
RTPG, etc are executed while failing over/back, so you would not hit the
problem where path initialization and path testing IO is failed causing
the path to marked as failed.

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