I ran the s3 test (run-s3tests.sh)  in vstart mode against Nautilus. Is there a 
better guide out there than this one?


Thus far I ran into a ceph.conf parse issue, a keyring permission issue and a 
radosgw crash.

+ radosgw-admin user create --uid=s3test1 --display-name=tester1 
--access-key=access1 --secret=secret1 --email=test...@ceph.com
server name not found: [v2:xx.x.x.xx:40466 (Name or service not known)
unable to parse addrs in '[v2:xx.x.x.xx:40466,v1:xx.x.x.xx:40467]'
couldn't init storage provider

The ceph.conf under the global header shows:
   mon host =  [v2:xx.x.x.xx:40466,v1:xx.x.x.xx:40467]

In Luminous, the ceph.conf created used to be in this format:
  host = (hostname)
mon addr = xx.x.x.xx:6789


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