Thx for the hint. 
I fiddled around with the configuration and found this:

> root@vm-2:~# ceph zabbix  send
> Failed to send data to Zabbix


> root@vm-2:~# zabbix_sender -vv -z -p 10051 -s vm-2 -k 
> ceph.num_osd -o 32
> zabbix_sender [1724513]: DEBUG: answer 
> [{"response":"success","info":"processed: 1; failed: 0; total: 1; seconds 
> spent: 0.000041"}]
> info from server: "processed: 1; failed: 0; total: 1; seconds spent: 0.000041"
> sent: 1; skipped: 0; total: 1

works just fine. I figured out that it could be a hostname mismatch betweend 
what "ceph zabbix send" transmits, and the hostname that is configured on the 
zabbix server. And well... it's almost embarassing that I missed this for about 
3 months now but:
The hostname the ceph zabbix module was submitting was in capital letters, 
while the hostname configured in zabbix was lowercase, even though, the 
hostname for that machine is in fact lowercase.
I don't know why the ceph zabbix module makes it uppercase. 

I configured the host on zabbix with capital letters and now it works...

kind regards
Ingo Schmidt 
Island municipality Langeoog 
with in-house operations
Tourismus Service and Schiffahrt
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