
Ceph: nautilus (14.2.2)
NFS-Ganesha v 2.8
ceph-ansible stable 4.0 << git checkout 28th Aug
CentOS 7

I am trying to do a fresh installation using Ceph Ansible and I am 
getting the following error when running the playbook.  I have not 
enabled or config dashboard/grafana/prometheus yet.

fatal: [stor1]: FAILED! =>
   msg: |-
     The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error 
was: No first item, sequence was empty.

     The error appears to be in 
'/usr/share/ceph-ansible/roles/ceph-facts/tasks/facts.yml': line 314, 
column 3, but may
     be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

     The offending line appears to be:

     - name: set grafana_server_addr fact - ipv4
       ^ here

If I remove [grafana-server] from the /etc/ansible/hosts file I get

fatal: [stor1]: FAILED! => changed=false
   msg: you must add a [grafana-server] group and add at least one node.

Any idea what might be causing this?

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