we have DELL server (CENTOS 4.X) with MD1000 connect on it. One of Raid5 (internal 4 disks) has hard disk bad and I replace it. I saw /var/log/messages have following entry:
======================================= Aug 18 15:33:20 host1 Server Administrator: Storage Service EventID: 2049 Array disk removed: Array Disk 0:11 Controller 1, Connector 0 Aug 18 15:34:09 host1 Server Administrator: Storage Service EventID: 2052 Array disk inserted: Array Disk 0:11 Controller 1, Connector 0 Aug 18 15:34:09 host1 Server Administrator: Storage Service EventID: 2065 Array disk Rebuild started: Array Disk 0:11 Controller 1, Connector 0 Aug 19 00:42:58 host1 Server Administrator: Storage Service EventID: 2124 Redundancy normal: Virtual Disk 0 (Virtual Disk 0) Controller 1 (PERC 4e/DC) Aug 19 00:42:58 host1 Server Administrator: Storage Service EventID: 2092 Array disk Rebuild completed: Array Disk 0:11 Controller 1, Connector 0 Aug 19 00:45:53 host1 Server Administrator: Storage Service EventID: 2127 Background Initialization started: Virtual Disk 0 (Virtual Disk 0) Controller 1 (PERC 4e/DC) ============================================= My questions are: 1. why after "disk rebuild" there have "background initialization"? 2. is all kind of configuration (e.g. RAID0, RAID10, ...) need perform "background initialization"? 3. if I run heavy application, will it hurt "background initialization" and "disk rebuild"? Thanks. ___________________________________________________ 您的生活即時通 - 溝通、娛樂、生活、工作一次搞定! http://messenger.yahoo.com.tw/ _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list CentOS@centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos