> > I have only changed GRUB_DEFAULT from "saved" to "0"
> >
> > I have also run
> >
> > /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/centos/grub.cfg
> I may be wrong here but IIRC, using grub2-mkconfig as described in the
> Grub docs didn't work for me when I tried to use it years ago.
> I think you have to find out what is done when installing kernels and try
> to find out where it goes wrong in your case. When you look at 'rpm -q
> --scripts kernel' you can see that new kernels are registered with the
> script '/usr/sbin/new-kernel-pkg'. I suggest to analyze what it does
> exactly. I think it calls 'grubby' to do further work...
> Regards,
> Simon
If not already done, you can also go through the official documentation
page for working with Grub 2 on RH EL 7 and the different commands it is
reporting, both for bios and UEFU based systems.:

Eventually trying and managing before with some commands on another UEFI
based system/vm that is more practical to use for you, as the target one is
a remote system, as you wrote
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