I've gone through the BIOS and tried all the combinations that were available but still no joy.  I used ELRepo's method of determining the card type, and the result was none yielded a positive result.

After trying all combinations  my only course of action is to fins a card that is compatible and ignore the controllers that I currently have.


On 3/27/22 16:08, Robert Heller wrote:
At Sun, 27 Mar 2022 12:23:21 -0700 CentOS mailing list<centos@centos.org>  

On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 11:55 AM Pete Geenhuizen<pgeenhui...@gmail.com>

I'm trying to install Centos 8 on an older PC but it fails because the
SATA controller isn't supported.
Anyone have a source for a PCI/ePCI controller card that is compatible
with Centos 8?

Your controller might be supported by one of the ELRepo's kmod packages.
This can be checked if you provide the device ID pairing [xxxx:yyyy] as
reported by 'lspci -nn'.
Also: what BIOS mode is the SATA controller operating in? The SATA firmware in
some PCs implement various "weird" modes, including "RAID" (no, not really
hardware RAID, just some kind of half BIOS half MS-Windows driver software
RAID hack), Make sure the SATA controller is in AHCI mode and not in some
other mode. If it is in AHCI mode, it might just work out-of-the-box.

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