On 2/28/22 08:49, lejeczek via CentOS wrote:
Hi guys.
I'm trying something I believe is trivial, on centOS 9 with mock version
-> $ mock -r centos-stream-8-x86_64 --rootdir=~/mock
--localrepo=/00.STORAGE/1/var/www/repos --continue --chain
./mpfr-4.1.0-7.el9.src.rpm ./libmpc-1.2.1-4.el9.src.rpm
CentOS Stream 8 - PowerTools 14 kB/s | 4.4 kB 00:00
Problem: cannot install the best update candidate for package
- problem with installed package libmpc-1.1.0-9.1.el8.x86_64
- package libmpc-1.1.0-9.1.el8.x86_64 requires libmpfr.so.4()(64bit),
but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best update candidate for package
- cannot install both mpfr-4.1.0-7.el8.x86_64 and
- cannot install both mpfr-3.1.6-1.el8.x86_64 and
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest'
to use not only best candidate packages)
ERROR: Exception(./libmpc-1.2.1-4.el9.src.rpm)
Config(centos-stream-8-x86_64) 0 minutes 6 seconds
INFO: Results and/or logs in:
ERROR: Command failed:
Why would it end up asking for 'mpfr-3.1.6' if 'libmpc-1.2.1' requires
ver. >4.x and..
why would 'ibmpc-1.1.0-9.1' even show up there I cannot wrap my head
around it.
I've only started using 'mock' but this weird stuff have not seen until
Rather than passing in both SRPMS .. I would try with just one at a time.
You are first trying to build mpfr and after that, you are trying to
build libmpc.
If I am correct, the newer version of libmpc is required for mpfr. So,
first try building libmpc .. and look at what is necessary to build
that. Once you have that built, put it in your local repo and rebuild
tehmetadata and thentry to build mpfr by itself.
All '--chain' does is retry all failed builds if something actually builds.
As to why the older version of libmpc or mpfr is trying to load .. look
at your root.log and it will tell you.
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