On 1/21/22 05:01, Leon Fauster via CentOS wrote:
Am 20.01.22 um 23:14 schrieb Johnny Hughes:
On 1/20/22 15:07, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On 1/20/22 12:46, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On 1/19/22 08:44, Brian Stinson wrote:
On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 8:33 AM Toralf Lund <toralf.l...@pgs.com> wrote:

Following some update or the other (I think) on my CentOS Stream 8
system, I'm no longer able to use ping as a regular user; I get

$ ping www.centos.org
ping: socket: Operation not permitted

Does anyone else see this? It it a bug, or were the system/default
permissions deliberately changed? Can anyone suggest a fix/workaround? Actually, I can find several different ones via a simple web search, but
they are generally related to other distributions, I'm not quite sure
which would be the most appropriate for CentOS...


- Toralf

CentOS mailing list

Folks interested in this issue can watch this bugzilla:

We're waiting for systemd-239-55.el8 sources to show up after which we
will build this and publish to CentOS Stream. Right now this appears
to be an infrastructure issue and the appropriate folks are working on
that, but we also want this package to pass the proper checks before
we build.

I am doing a compose with this version of systemd in it right now. Should be released later today.

OK .. I am currently releasing an 8-stream compose with systemd-239-55.el8 .. but it does not fix this unpriv ping issue.

I checked internally and it is also a problem on the rhel build for this systemd version, so not an issue introduced by the CentOS Stream build.

ThisĀ  version of systemd should be available in a couple hours on mirror.centos.org.

OK .. to fix this issue until we get a build that fixes it:

Edit /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf

take out the minus sign (-) in this line:

-net.ipv4.ping_group_range = 0 2147483647

Is this "minus" a typo? I guess ...

While yum update i get:

Couldn't write '0 2147483647' to '-net/ipv4/ping_group_range', ignoring: No such file or directory

I do not know if it is a typo or not (maybe a functionality I don't know about) .. but if I remove the dash and save the file, everything works as expected.

It is the only option in that file with a dash.

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