When I first ssh to a system, I am asked for the password to unlock the private key file. Thereafter, that key file remains unlocked, and subsequent ssh sessions will not prompt for a password. I can always re-lock the key file by running "ssh-add -D". In a script I have that runs sshfs to mount a remote directory, I want to re-lock that key file _unless_ it was already unlocked, i.e., if I sshfs asks for a password, I want to re-lock the key file immediately after the command is run.
How can I determine ahead of time whether the key file is already unlocked? In the past (Centos 6) I could examine the output from "ssh-add -l" determine that. Now, "ssh-add -l" just shows the public key whether of not the private key has been unlocked. There is also no apparent way to see whether or not sshfs asked for a password. Suggestions? -- Bob Nichols "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address. Do NOT delete it. _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list CentOS@centos.org https://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos