On Thu, Jan 6, 2022 at 4:15 AM Simon Matter <simon.mat...@invoca.ch> wrote:
> > On 1/5/22 05:06, Leon Fauster via CentOS wrote:
> >> Am 05.01.22 um 11:02 schrieb Simon Matter:
> >>> Hi,
> >>> I have to port/build quite a number of packages for upcoming RHEL9. I
> thought about starting to do so now on CentOS-Stream-9-20211222.0 in
> the
> >>> hope that I don't have to redo a lot of the work again later for the
> released RHEL9.
> >>> Does it sound like a good idea to start now or should I better wait a
> bit?
> >> I'm already doing that. Do just expect everything that also happened in
> EL8. Missing devel or sub packages. Striped down s/rpm macros that
> blocks building fedora packages directly. So, business as usual. BTW,
> some packages are not in streams anymore. This makes custom
> overlay
> >> repos a bit easier ...
> > I think you can build directly against the repos in the centos stream koji.
> > https://kojihub.stream.centos.org/kojifiles/
> We're not using koji so I don't know how I could make use of these repos.
> I've done a number of the easier builds now and they went well. Now I'm
> trying to build a package which requires imake but I can't find it
> anywhere.
> I guess imake could be missing because the Xorg stuff is being built
> without it today?
> Does anybody know if imake is still used but not shipped or is it not used
> and built for EL9 anymore?

imake is not included in EL9 at all.  It could be packaged and added
to EPEL9 for those interested in doing so.


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