In message <2780p119-rrr3-o3ro-314r-q888qs7s4...@fncre.vasb>, Marcin 
Cieslak wr
> On Mon, 20 May 2024, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > Hmm. I'm surprised that dtpad is linked with Kerberos with your Linux
> > distro. Keyutils (access to kernel keyrings), libresolv (DNS resolver), and
> > libtirpc (RPC - remote procedure call) as well. I wonder what the distro is
> > trying to do with these network libraries. It doesn't appear to be anything
> > web related. Probably extra baggage due to dependencies in some other
> > library. libbsd maybe?
> Aren't those related to the RPC protocol - we explicitly have to enabled
> rpcbind and I think some services like cmsd and ttdbserver run over
> Sun RPC. We won't see those in FreeBSD as a dependency because the XDR/RPC
> stack is part of libc.

Yeah, I forgot about that. dtspcd is also used by much of CDE.

> > Looking through the CDE git repo, nothing jumps out at me to suggest a
> > smoking gun.
> Let me fantasize here a bit, since we have no clue what is going on.
> I think should be possible to trace X11 the events going back and forth (some
> thing
> like "xev" is doing). I forgot how to do this but I am pretty sure
> this can be done.

I'd use DTrace for that. On Linux that would be eBPF. I know DTrace (used 
that since my Solaris days and now on FreeBSD) but don't know how to use 
eBPF. Then get a stack trace.

> Maybe some another freedesktop "improvement" causes some changes about
> how and which events are reported, for example CDE thinks it receives
> a keystroke on a selection and erases the text. Just a wild guess.

Maybe. FreeBSD's Xorg is current, as is our Wayland support. The Xorg I use 
is the latest in ports/pkgs. I don't use Wayland (though it's installed). 
You, if you're using the latest Xorg from FreeBSD, and I are using the 
latest freedeskop "improvements."

I'm off work until Thursday. I have some Linux VMs there not belonging to 
customers. I'll try CDE on one of the VMs. Are there packages available or 
do I need to build from source. The last time I built CDE from source on 
Fedora, it was a painful experience since not all of the tools needed to 
build it from were either availalbe or compatible. That was about four 
years ago though.

Cy Schubert <>
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