On 2/16/23 08:50, Cy Schubert wrote:
On Thu, 16 Feb 2023 14:30:41 +0000
Chase<nicetry...@protonmail.ch> wrote:
You must not directly edit any file under ksh93, instead, pull the newest point
release from the source and merge it. Its a git subtree so I'm not quite sure
how that works.
I know how it works. We at FreeBSD use subtrees for vendor branches
(contributed code). (We have ATM decided to use subtrees instead
of submodules but that may change in the future.) Though, we sometimes
apply our own patches to /usr/src/contrib which are eventually
upstreamed, while other times we submit a patch and wait.
I've updated the FreeBSD ksh ports with the same atomics patch. I plan
on upstreaming that too. Just haven't gotten around to it yet.
I'll resubmit the patch minus the ksh bit.
I think I will apply this patch as-is for now. Chase has a point in
that it causes conflicts the next time we want to resync with upstream
ksh, but I have no idea how long it will take for:
- the patch to make it into ksh (https://github.com/ksh93/ksh/pull/601)
- CDE to resync with upstream
Plus this issue causes FTBFS
So, let's throw all caution to the wind and apply it for now.
Though I am suspicious of the ksh fix - it seems incongruous to check
for defined(_aso_casptr), but then instead use _aso_cas64()... So not
sure if that will be considered correct from a ksh maintainer
perspective. Guess we will see :)
Jon Trulson
"The less you know, the more you believe."
-- Bono
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