while in mate-desktop
rm -rf .dt/
rm -f .dtprofile

logout and login to CDE. Everything looks OK. It auto starts Help and Filemanager

logout and login again. It starts the Filenamager but not the Help. Also the cde bar does not display the name of the month now.
Everything is frozen.

Switched to console.

.dt/errorlog remains empty.

in .dt/sessionlogs/   there is only one entry called  'damo_DISPLAY=:0' (damo is the name of the machine)

This file if cat says to enable logging in .dtprofile

pkill -9 Xsession

Enable loging in .dtprofile and login one more time. Same behavior. No Help, everything frozen.

switch to console.

cat .dt/sessionlogs/damo_DISPLAY\=\:0
<stdin>:170:58: warning: missing terminating ' character
XIO:  fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"
      after 5571 requests (5565 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
PipeRead: broken pipe, ppid=1 pid=2880598 fd=11

After the XIO is the fact I killed the Xsession. The previous line says something:
if a terminating character is missing someplace the CDE waits for something to complete.
But what is this <stdin>:170:58:  ???

top shows nothing interesting. The system is idle. Most probably waiting for something to terminate...

If there maybe something interesting in the sessions folder please advice.

ls -R .dt/sessions
current/  dtwmfp.session  system/

dtCT3zeg  dt.resources  dtsession.db  dt.settings  dtwm.db



startlog has also no error:
[atsol@damo .dt]$ cat startlog
--- Πεμ 03 Νοε 2022 04:43:35 μμ EET
--- /usr/dt/bin/Xsession starting...
--- Xsession started by startcdesession
--- setting font path...
--- sourcing /home/atsol/.dtprofile...
--- sourcing /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0010.dtpaths...
--- sourcing /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0020.dtims...
--- sourcing /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0030.dttmpdir...
--- sourcing /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0060.dtsysenv...
--- starting /usr/dt/bin/dthello -file /usr/dt/copyright &
--- starting /usr/dt/bin/dtsearchpath -ksh
--- starting /usr/dt/bin/dtappgather &
--- execing /usr/dt/bin/dtsession ...
not execing /home/atsol/.profile (see /home/atsol/.dtprofile)


On 2/11/22 22:13, Edmond Orignac wrote:

It is difficult to see what could be freezing your session the second time you log in. I haven't seen this issue on Ubuntu with CDE 2.5.0. I have only a few suggestions to try to detect the origin of the problem.

Have you examined the files created under .dt/sessions ? Is there something started in sessionetc

that does not go in the background ? Are there some files under .dt/sessionlogs/ ?

Can you switch consoles with ctrl+alt+Fn and run top on the machine ? Alternatively, can you use a second PC to ssh in the machine and run top to see if a program is using 100% of memory or CPU ?

You may then try to kill the program and see if the session starts correctly or ends.

Le 31/10/2022 à 14:47, Antonis Tsolomitis a écrit :

I am trying to use the latest stable CDE on Manjaro. Compilation and installation
goes through with no problem.

I remove old .dtprofile and old .dt/ from my home.

startx /usr/dt/bin/Xsession

All is well.

Logout and try again:

startx /usr/dt/bin/Xsession

CDE starts and freezes immediately

Same behavior from lightdm login manager or dtlogin manager. The first attempt (without .dt/ and .dtprofile) works.
The second attempt (now we have .dt/ and .dtprofile) always freezes.

$HOME/.dt/errorlog remains empty.

$HOME/.dt/startlog shows no error:

 $ cat startlog
--- Δευ 31 Οκτ 2022 03:36:42 μμ EET
--- /usr/dt/bin/Xsession starting...
--- Xsession started by xinit
--- setting font path...
--- sourcing /home/atsol/.dtprofile...
--- sourcing /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0010.dtpaths...
--- sourcing /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0020.dtims...
--- sourcing /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0030.dttmpdir...
--- sourcing /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0060.dtsysenv...
--- starting /usr/dt/bin/dthello -file /usr/dt/copyright &
--- starting /usr/dt/bin/dtsearchpath -ksh
--- starting /usr/dt/bin/dtappgather &
--- execing /usr/dt/bin/dtsession ...
not execing /home/atsol/.profile (see /home/atsol/.dtprofile)

Has anyone seen this behavior? How can I find what is wrong. It does the very same thing
on two pcs with updated Manjaro Linux. It does exactly the same if I install cdesktopenv-git
from AUR.


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