On Sat, 12 Feb 2022, Cy Schubert wrote:

To add another thought. I was toying with the idea of replacing all
malloc() with calloc() in dtinfo or at the very least replacing it in
dtinfogen. The difference between malloc() and calloc() is the latter zero
fills memory. A calloc(1, size_t) is the same as malloc(size_t). The "1"
means allocate one instance of the second argument. Long term this is
probably a better solution than the make environment hack. I put it here
because after receiving an email from another FreeBSD developer just
moments ago I'm more convinced this is the path forward.

Thanks for tracking this down, Cy!

I was wondering what the underlying problem might be -
this is probably part of the code that relies on that thing
to be initialized.... Did anyone tried valgrind on CDE?


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