On Sun, 2 Jan 2022 at 10:08, Antonis Tsolomitis <
antonis.tsolomi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 1/2/22 1:40 AM, Jon Trulson wrote:
> On 12/31/21 6:59 AM, Antonis Tsolomitis wrote:
> Currently UTF-8 is supported but without scalable fonts the possibilities
> it provides are very limited.
> Yes - see my previous email response.
> Preferably someone who knows the details of such things could provide a
> hand.  Unfortunately, I do not have enough experience in this to provide a
> solution.  I also do not have enough time to figure it out :)  But getting
> XFT working and switching to it (and making sure all the app work with it -
> like dtterm) would seem to be a necessary first start.
> I thought that Motif already supported scalable fonts. No?

Yep, since Motif 2.3. I've done a few experiments with the XFT support.
Last time in 2019, I had always intended to have another go at it!

Here is the info


Here are the issues I found so far.

- Need a way to optionally support modern fonts (possibly compile time)
- Xresource directives are completely generic not CDE specific
- Font 'size' dialog in dtstyle and changing font size in general is not
- font selectors that -dt-interface lines use don't use multi line resource
tweaks like the motif Xresources line, but only one line
- Is it even possible to specify a motif XFT font to use with a font
- No XFT fonts in dtwm title bars (not plotted via motif but xlib?)
- No XFT fonts in dtwm front panel desktop selectors
- Font in terminal is complety messed up, possibly due to multibyte issues
- Selecting 'Help'->something on many apps causes them to instant seg fault
- opening pages in dtinfo causes crash

> If these projects could be properly split into pieces then could it be
> possible
> to be funded by Google Summer Code?

Unfortunately Google Summer of Code people require a heavy level of
mentorship and support from project maintainers, as such it's a heavy time
commitment from maintainers. However if you know of a student who's
interested in doing anything in this area, it could be worth us putting the
time in!


Peter Howkins
cdesktopenv-devel mailing list

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