On 11/26/21 3:19 AM, Murray Blakeman wrote:
I found the issue with "Applications".

After digging around in the source code, I found that DTUSERSESSION wasn't getting set.

The variables used by CDE to set up the Applications folders depend on this.

I tracked it down to the files in "/usr/dt/config/Xsession.d".  None of them were executable.

A "chmod a+x /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/* fixed it.

I've added that to my spec file and now have a fully functional CDE install (I think).

Interesting...  They are set executable in both master and the 2.4.0 (imake) version after an install... What is just something in your spec file only?

Exciting 🙂



On Tue, 23 Nov 2021 at 18:56, Murray Blakeman <murray.j.blake...@gmail.com <mailto:murray.j.blake...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Excellent, that has fixed the lock screen issues. Thank you.  I
    just need to sort out the "Applications" problems with the
    "generic-display-0" folder.

    I'll keep digging around the logs and the code and see what I can



    On Tue, 23 Nov 2021 at 07:28, Jon Trulson <j...@radscan.com
    <mailto:j...@radscan.com>> wrote:

        On 11/20/21 3:39 PM, Jon Trulson wrote:
        Setuid on /usr/dt/bin/dtsession made no difference.

        Yeah - it's trying to use the PAM library to validate your
        username/pw, but seems to be failing somewhere along the
        line.  Is there anything of interest in /var/log/secure* ?

        Hi, a fix recently went into master that might explain the
        dtsession/dtscreen unlock issue.  The relevant PAM config
        files were not being properly installed unless you used
        dtlogin.  Ubuntu seems to have a default fallback that works
        even without these config files, but I suspect RHEL does not.

        Try adding the following two attached files to /etc/pam.d/,
        mode 644 and see if that helps anything.

-- Jon Trulson

           "This Unit must survive."
                                    -- M5

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Jon Trulson

  "This Unit must survive."
                           -- M5

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