Due to the recent... Uhm.. /insanity/ going on with the freenode
network, the #cde channel has moved to the Libera IRC network at
Unfortunately this means that you will have to register a new nick
there, but the new channel is already set up and waiting for the
millions, er, dozens of CDE fanatics that hang out there.
If you are not familiar with what is going on at freenode, feel free to
/<insert search engine here> "freenode admins resign"/.
Libera is being run by the previous admins that were, up until recently,
running the freenode network.
So this is just a heads up. We cannot be too obvious about the move
(ie: changing the freenode#cde header) without simply being locked out
and having the new people simply redirect to their own version of #cde.
So, I'm sorry for the fact that we cannot be too obvious about the move
on freenode itself.
Jon Trulson
"Entropy. It isn't what it used to be."
-- Sheldon
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