Interesting program.

I have a script in dtksh to monitor the battery on a laptop with Linux 4.x at

it uses the files under /sys/ to obtain data on battery charge etc...

dtbattery.ds shows detailed information, while battery shows a simple XmScale with

the battery charge and can be embedded in the front panel.


E. Orignac

Le 23/02/2021 à 18:16, Jürgen Mayerhofer via cdesktopenv-devel a écrit :


today I want to announce my first opensource-project on sourceforge:

dtpower is designed to be used as an app in CDE's frontpanel. dtpower calls "acpi -a" to get the state (power plugged in or not) of the power adapter.
The icon changes according to the state.
Then "acpi -b" is called to set a tooltip with the current load of the battery.

Feel free to use it and have fun.

Suggestions for improvement are welcome. Send them to

Best regards,


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