Hi Chase,

> On Feb 2, 2021, at 14:26, Chase <nicetry...@protonmail.ch> wrote:
> 1. I've heard about a test suite in the wiki, but I have little knowledge 
> about it, is this what the examples directory is for?

I read the same thing, which made me wonder if the Open Group released it but 
it was never committed. I don’t think the examples directory is the same thing. 
This system is supposed to be a very sophisticated automatic GUI tester, 
replaying user interactions, etc.

> 2. While getting SPI on board would be nice, I doubt they would be interested 
> in a niche project like ours.

It might be worthwhile to ask. They not only assist massive projects like 
X.org, but smaller stuff like the MIT-licensed Fluxbox window manager too.

> 3. MIT licensing isn't happening from what I've been told, not only would The 
> Open Group need to get on board, but every contributor in the CONTRIBUTORS 
> list (some of their emails don't even work anymore)

I have the same fears, which is what spurred me to ask if I could assign my 
rights. I know that the Open Group had to hunt down a ton of people (reverse 
engineering the rest) just to make LGPL Motif possible, and I don’t want to 
contribute to a similar problem. I noticed that the Open Group entirely purged 
all mention of Motif/CDE from their website recently; rather sad because they 
had some awesome documentation - at least archive.org got most of it. I think 
that’s a strong indicator they do not intend to license or support Motif in the 
future. Maybe this is far fetched, but it might be worth their while to gift it 
to a non-profit, like I believe happened with the X.org foundation.

> Personally, I think that your time would be used better if you helped us test 
> and fix any issues with the AIX and HPUX port. These haven't been tested in 
> possibly decades and at least for the HPUX port, I have strongly considered 
> just removing it from the repo, it's death date is 2025 and even the linux 
> kernel guys have orphaned support for itanium, i.e. the only architecture it 
> will run on after March of this year (HP9000 is slated for EOL then).

I’d like to, but I can’t afford the asking price for most of those systems. 
That’s part of the reason I like UnixWare - I can run it on a cheap x86 dual 
core and they gave it away free for personal use a long time ago. I think 
Polarhome might be a good solution. The ksh93 maintainer is using it for 
regression tests.

Thanks, Lev

> Thank you for your time,
> -Chase
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Monday, February 1, 2021 6:25 PM, Lev via cdesktopenv-devel 
> <cdesktopenv-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Several tickets have been opened concerning CDE compilation failures on 
>> SPARC systems due to GOT limits. This patch should remedy the main issue and 
>> I’ll try to followup to see if there are others.
>> As an aside, I really enjoy seeing the diversity of platforms and 
>> architectures that CDE enthusiasts are using.
>> I had a couple of other questions:
>> -   Does anyone have access to the CDE test suite or QATS for Motif? Being 
>> able to run automated regression tests would be a huge help.
>> -   What about reaching out to a group like Software in the Public Interest 
>> to assist us organizationally?
>>    Personally, if I am going to be making a lot of changes to this project 
>> or the future UNIX port, I’d like to be able to assign my copyright to a 
>> trustee to make any future MIT transition easier. They might also be able to 
>> assist licensing negotiations with the Open Group as a non-profit with 
>> expertise.
>>    Kind regards,
>>    Lev
>> cdesktopenv-devel mailing list
>> cdesktopenv-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/cdesktopenv-devel

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