Hi folks,

May I offer a suggestion? We need something of a release strategy. We
should depart from the "pull stuff from the git repo" strategy in the
Wikis, because we keep breaking our build by pushing untested stuff.

As I build CDE daily on several platforms to test the builds, I can pretty
much pinpoint the latest breakage to Thursday. On Wednesday it built on
FreeBSD, NetBSD, Raspbian, Ubuntu, Fedora and CentOS - on Friday it was
broken on all of them because of the breakage I reported earlier today.

For me personally that isn't much of a big deal, but I'm out there banging
the drum for the project and I look a bit of a berk if people then run into
a broken build by following our Wiki instructions. Wouldn't it be better if
we regularly released tested tar.gz releases and left the bleeding edge git
stuff to internal testing? It would also greatly reduce the
pre-requirements, especially on FreeBSD where, due to the rampant
dependency bloat in the ports collection, just compiling git can easily
hand you a 3-hour time penalty.

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