On Mon, 2 Jan 2017, Edmond Orignac wrote:

Here is the patch for the French, Italian and Spanish translations of the 'mail retrieval' menu of dtmail, and for adding the capacity to
handle UTC+n timezones and TODO items to the vcal2xapia script.

The previous one was against a personal branch of CDE and could not be applied to the master branch. This time, I have applied my changes to
a copy of the current master branch. I hope it can be applied.

The second one adds a short manual page for vcal2xapia.

Ok, so the second patch applied cleanly, but the first (big) one did not.

Further investigation reveals that that issue seems to have to do with
character encoding.  Take one failed hunk from

-3 La session ToolTalk s?cifi?e est p?rim?e ou incorrecte.
+3 La session ToolTalk sp?cifi?e est p?rim?e ou incorrecte.

If you notice - some of the characters have been replaced with '?'.  Here
is the original line:

3 La session ToolTalk sécifiée est périmée ou incorrecte.

Notice the difference?  This is why this patch fails - it can't find
the line(s) to change.

I'm not sure what is causing this - maybe because the patches are
marked as text/plain (which I think is straight up ascii).

Can you:

- verify that the 0001 patch you sent is actually encoded properly
(ie: no '?' in place of non-ascii characters).

- If it looks good on your side, then zip the patch up and send that
(so no intervening mailserver will mess with it), and I'll try to
apply it again.

As I mentioned, the second patch applied fine, and I've pushed it.

Jon Trulson

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