On Thu, 16 Jun 2016, Edmond Orignac wrote:

> I had submitted an awk script to convert .vcs or .ics appointments
> into dtcm(1) appointments in the XAPIA format. This script is distributed 
> with CDE in the contrib/ directory. I have made some improvements to the 
> script to handle repeating appointments.
> Since there is a CDE release in preparation, I am sending the new script to 
> the list.
> I am also sending a script that creates appointments for (Roman Catholic) 
> Easter, Ascencion Day and Whit Sunday. It might also be
> distributed with CDE in contrib/ under the terms of MIT license.

I've added these.  However, in the future, please just send the
relevant changes (including to the README that describs these
utilities) as a git-formatted patch.  Thanks!

Jon Trulson

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