On 23/05/2016 08:08, Antonis Tsolomitis wrote:
> I think it is useful to have a public Wish List.
> So I put here some wishes adding two issues (item 4 and 5) to my
> previous list.
> 1. Modern font handling with full unicode support (now based on old xorg
> mechanism)
> 2. A mixer with volume control docked in the panel
>       (now one may use pavucontrol. This is also absolutely necessary
> because it is not trivial without some tool,
>       such as pavucontrol, to
>       select microphone for communications (eg Skype); modern hardware
> has typically two
>       microphones, one next to camera and a mic-in)
> 3. An easy  way to easily select/modify/display keyboard state (now one
> may use XXkb).
> 4. Add "multiple action support" and "default action" to the
> FileManager. Right click on an item must provide an
> "Open With" submenu to facilitate fast switch of the app that opens the
> file. For example,
> a pdf may Open with a default action (say acroread) but may also Open
> with xpdf/okular/evince
> IF these actions are installed as CDE actions. So I am not talking about
> parsing the xdg menus
> which people my not like. At least parse the installed CDE actions.

I believe you can already have multiple actions for PDF files in the 
current CDE. You have to create a file PDF.dt in the 
/etc/dt/appconfig/types/ directory.  In that file, first, you define the 
PDF data type with:

         ACTIONS         Open,View
         ICON            pdf
         NAME_TEMPLATE   %s.pdf
         MIME_TYPE       application/pdf
         DESCRIPTION     This is a file containing data in the Portable 
Document \
                         format.  Its data type is named PDF. PDF files 
have \
                         names ending with '.pdf' or '.PDF'.
         TYPE_LABEL      PDF

       MODE                  f
       NAME_PATTERN          *.[Pp][Dd][Ff]

Then, you define the actions Acroread and XPdf

ACTION Acroread
      LABEL         Acroread
      TYPE          COMMAND
      EXEC_STRING   /usr/bin/acroread %Arg_1%
      ICON          pdf
      DESCRIPTION   Acrobat Reader for Portable Document Format

      LABEL         XPdf
      TYPE          COMMAND
      EXEC_STRING   /usr/bin/xpdf %Arg_1%
      ICON          XPdf
      DESCRIPTION   Simple PDF viewer

Finally, you define the Open and View operations with:

      ARG_TYPE      PDF
      TYPE          MAP
      MAP_ACTION    Acroread
      LABEL         Open with Reader

      ARG_TYPE      PDF
      TYPE          MAP
      MAP_ACTION    XPdf
      LABEL         Open with XPdf

After you log in, you should see the two options Open with Reader and 
Open with XPdf in the right click menu. The default action is defined as 
Open with Reader.

The problem is that if users want to change the default action, they 
will need to copy the PDF.dt file in their personal .dt/types/ directory 
and edit the order of the Actions in the DATA_ATTRIBUTES definition. If 
they want to add evince, they will need to create the Evince action 
following the XPdf template, and add an extra action in the DATA 
ATTRIBUTES definition. After that, they will need to reload the actions 
from the desktop tools menu. A tutorial could make those changes 
relatively easy.

What you want seems to be the ability to edit the actions defined in 
.dt/types/ and to reload these actions directly from the file manager.

I am a bit worried that this would require to change the CDE approach of 
separating "criterion for determining filetype" from "applications to 
open given filetype" and of allowing multiple configuration files
in types/ directories and to use instead a single file in which 
criterion for filetype and applications to open filetype and preferred 
application are defined in a single entry.

> 5. Fix the FileManager to scroll with the mouse wheel when the mouse is
> inside the window
> (now it scrolls only when the mouse is above the scrollbar).
> 6. An easy way to theme gtk2 and gtk3 apps to match CDE themes (this
> includes major apps such as
>       firefox, thunderbird, LibreOffice, inkscape etc) (this can be extra
> independent code). Number 2 above
>       can be partly bypassed if one manages to theme pavucontrol; but the
> docked volume control is needed.
> Antonis.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
> apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!
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