On Sat, 22 Nov 2014, Pouar wrote:

> On 11/22/2014 04:50 PM, Brent Busby wrote:
>> Totally agree.  I agree in spirit with the GPL, that software that is
>> left completely free tends to end up becoming the basis of commercial
>> projects that embrace, extend, and extinguish open ones...but does
>> anyone who still wants to run CDE in 2014 care about that?
> It's becoming proprietary software you need to worry about, not 
> whether they charge money or not.

Normally, I'd agree...but does any company really want CDE?  I think the 
Open Group let us have it because they calculated that nobody cares.

+ Brent A. Busby         + "We've all heard that a million monkeys
+ Sr. UNIX Systems Admin +  banging on a million typewriters will
+ University of Chicago  +  eventually reproduce the entire works of
+ James Franck Institute +  Shakespeare.  Now, thanks to the Internet,
+ Materials Research Ctr +  we know this is not true." -Robert Wilensky

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