I have an IPS openmotif package available that installs to 
"/opt/SMM/openmotif" and a IPS package of the current CDE snapshot that 
uses that installed version of openmotif.

Did you have the Oracle version of "pkg:/library/motif" installed?

There are a lot of files in that package that conflict with an installed 
CDE and likely an installed version of openmotif to "/usr".

# pkg install -nv pkg://solaris/library/motif 2>&1 | grep "The following 
packages all deliver file actions" | wc -l

The above 49 conflicts are between

   pkg://development/desktop/cde@2.2.2,5.11:20141116T133001Z   <-- This 
is my CDE package

The following packages have potential conflicting files

# pkg search -r -p /usr/dt
pkg:/desktop/cde@2.2.2 development
pkg:/cde/calendar-manager-server@0.5.11- solaris
pkg:/cde/cde-runtime@0.5.11- solaris
pkg:/cde/cde-utilities@0.5.11- solaris
pkg:/cde/help-viewer@0.5.11- solaris
pkg:/driver/graphics/nvidia@0.331.38.0- solaris
pkg:/gnome/trusted/login-label-selector@0.6.5- solaris
pkg:/gnome/trusted/xagent@0.6.8- solaris
pkg:/library/motif@0.5.11- solaris
pkg:/library/tooltalk@0.5.11- solaris

I have the following installed and there are no conflicts

# pkg search -l -p /usr/dt OR openmotif
PACKAGE                                                 PUBLISHER



On 20/11/2014 12:23, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
> On Nov 19, 2014, at 4:12 PM, Jon Trulson <j...@radscan.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, 18 Nov 2014, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
> […]
>>> My immediate interest is getting CDE on OS X and Solaris 11.  AFAIK,
>>> both of those either have automake/autoconf from the vendor, or
>>> have it in a reasonably well-supported packaging of free software
>>> (e.g. MacPorts for OS X).  So I would suppose porting to OS X
>>> (Solaris 11 supposedly more or less works, although I gather SPARC
>>> hasn’t been tried yet?) is if anything likelier with autotools than
>>> without.
>> Probably not, but original CDE ran on sparc, so I don't see a huge
>> issue there.  Mac on the otherhand -- I have no experience there.
> FYI, I built Motif on Solaris 11.2 (current as of what’s available without a 
> support contract, aside from adding a non-vendor fix for the bash 
> vulnerability) easily enough.  I was pleased to see it didn’t clobber any 
> vendor files I already had installed (and AFAIK I had a fairly complete 
> install to start with).  I got a list of what it added by comparing a zfs 
> snapshot before and after, which let me be sure it hadn’t clobbered anything 
> (and gave me the option of rolling back if it had).  I haven’t really figured 
> out the packaging mechanism new to Solaris 11 though, only know the SVR4 
> packaging (which still works, but is not repository based and is not 
> preferred on Solaris 11).  So haven’t made a package of it yet; and have 
> enough going on for a few days that I probably won’t get further for awhile.
> The Mac kernel is XNU - Mach + FreeBSD more or less; but the userspace, 
> include files etc are not occasionally without surprises.  automake, 
> autoconf, and libtool don’t appear to be included, but can be added using the 
> free MacPorts infrastructure (which is how IMO it would be nice to eventually 
> have CDE packaged for Mac, as whatever additional build files and patches etc 
> as that might require, and that could also offer its own binary package).  
> The current (unbundled, but easily installable) X.org build for Macs AFAIK 
> has no imake support, and while that also can be found in MacPorts, I don’t 
> know where to start to find out if it will do me any good. Maybe I can look 
> at the FreeBSD build instructions sometime and see whether anything can be 
> done starting with them.
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