On Thu, 16 Aug 2012 04:22:10 +0200, Marcin Cieslak wrote:
> This is work in progress - please
> do not merge into master yet.
> Note to users: please check
> if you are affected by awk bug
> in udbParseLib.awk if you can.
> Just remove this line:
>       DUMMY = $0
> and run "make clean all" in "databases"
> and see if generated files are small
> and contain only the error message.

It seems everyone using the "one true awk" is affected by this bug.
Have you made progress in tracking this down yet?  Why and how does that
line work around the problem?  It is probably worth reporting upstream.

FWIW, I've just been resorting to using GNU Awk for now.

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