On Wed, 8 Aug 2012 19:12:07 +0200, Irek Szczesniak wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Pascal Stumpf <pascal.stu...@cubes.de> wrote:
> > On Wed, 8 Aug 2012 13:57:34 +0200, Irek Szczesniak wrote:
> >> Has anyone considered updating CDE's dtksh (Destop Korn Shell, i.e.
> >> ksh93 with Dt, Motif and Xt APIs) to a newer ksh93 release? The
> >> current dtksh uses ksh93d- (the minus representing an alpha version)
> >> and is far from what I'd call "stable". Current ksh93 release is
> >> ksh93u+ (the plus representing a stable version) from yesterday.
> >>
> >> Irek
> >
> > Hmm, its license is incompatible with the GPL at least.  Don't know
> > about LGPL, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
> The current license is Eclipse EPL1.0, but that may be changeable.

You have to ask the copyright holder about that (AT&T).

> Also, you already have ksh93 in the tree. It's just an update, for
> which more permissive legal rules apply. 

No.  It is code licensed under the EPL that may not be relicensed
without consent from the copyright holder.  Why should upgrades be any
different?  Can I update OpenBSD's copy of GCC to 4.7 and keep the
license as GPL2 because it is "just an upgrade"?  Of course not.

> Beyond that I'd suggest to
> leave the "license incompatibility" debate to lawyers - and not some
> hillbilly wannabe lawyers who declare anything not GPL as incompatible
> with GPL - 

... except that everybody has to obey copyright law.  Look, I hate this
license compatibility game too, but there is nothing I can do about it
but play along if this project doesn't want to get sued.  It would all be
so much easier if everything was PD/ISC/BSD ...

> if we follow that lead then you couldn't even link X11 with
> OpenMotif.

I might not be getting the sarcasm here, but neither X11 nor OpenMotif
have anything to do with the GPL.  But yes, GPL'd programs linked
against OpenMotif may not be distributed freely.

> Irek

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