Will reply in answer myself on this one:

Firstly the paper tape reader is an HP 2748B - sorry about that typo (blush).

Secondly the AMP connector I acquired was NOT compatible with the Continental connector on the paper tape reader. The pins on the AMP connector, while larger than those on the Winchester connector, were still a shade too small to make a reliable connection - the connector was clearly loose when mated.

Which brings up the question: does anyone have a spare cable or 50 pin male Continental connector that I could purchase/trade for?



On 4/22/2023 6:14 PM, Jay Jaeger wrote:
I have an HP 2875B paper tape drive that I want to interface to.  It has a 50 pin block connector (using well under 1/2 the pins).  The connector manufacturer was Continental.

I have already discovered, the hard way, that it is not a winchester connector - the pins on the 50 pin Winchester connector I just obtained via ePay that otherwise fits are too small in diameter and won't make contact.  I *could* increase their diameter using solder - but -- yuck.

The other connectors of this sort I am familiar with that have the same general overall size and pinout were made by AMP.  Does any one know if the AMP connectors and the Continental connectors would be compatible?



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