It would be useful to know what systems these tapes were used on.

All the best,

On 5/9/23 09:36, Dani Werts via cctalk wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm an employee with the National radio astronomy observatory here in Socorro 
> New Mexico.
> As part of our NGVLA upgrades, we are seeking to get rid of old data tapes 
> from the tape reel days of Computing. These contain things such as the boot 
> loaders, OS, specific collection programs and antenna movement programs.
> I personally would hate to see these just wind up in the literal dumpster and 
> would like to see them sent out to a museum or an archiving body that can 
> preserve them and keep them safe as a dynamic part of history.
> If anyone is interested or knows someone who would be interested in the VLAs 
> data tape library please let me know.
> V/R
> Danielle Werts
> Front end engineer
> VLA Socorro New Mexico

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