On Thu, 9 Feb 2023 08:31:35 -0600
Eric Moore via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> The address is very suspicious, as it does not seem like a very good
> website name, and ends in .shop, which valid shops in our hobby
> rarely if ever use.

Yeah, "bryanipad.shop" is definitely...strange.

Only registrant info in the GMO whois: California, US. Which may or may
not be accurate. Server is behind Cloudflare, because of course. 

The content seems odd as well. Like whatever human or bot is not
just scraping auction listings, but maybe mailing lists, discords, or
fora, as well, to guage interest. It feels somehow...targeted, and
topical to very recent discussions of extremely obscure gear.  

Yeah, beware. 

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