Anyone familiar with this board (S-100 graphics adapter) knows that the schematics and documentation for it and the matching palette board are unavailable. I recently made a remarkable discovery on the web: < sortby=&inValidProductsList=&isSearchTypeAdv=false&recentSearch=&defaultStor e=parts&shipToAddrCodeHdnSearchPg=&soldToCompanyIdHdnSearchPg=&soldToCompany CurrencyHdnSearchPg=&text=60628&CSRFToken=3b6088cc-11d1-42c2-8a92-acab81491e 0a> &solrsortby=&inValidProductsList=&isSearchTypeAdv=false&recentSearch=&defaul tStore=parts&shipToAddrCodeHdnSearchPg=&soldToCompanyIdHdnSearchPg=&soldToCo mpanyCurrencyHdnSearchPg=&text=60628&CSRFToken=3b6088cc-11d1-42c2-8a92-acab8 1491e0a If you follow that link, you will see that GE Power seems to have them in stock in their parts store. My guess is that, at one time, they used them as part of a power plant control room. What I'm hoping is that they have one with the original documentation. Unfortunately, despite several enquiries, I have been unable to make any contact with anyone in GE Power that might offer me one for sale or otherwise help. So, I'm throwing it out to the general community of collectors. You need to be a certified GE Power customer, contractor or a GE Power employee to access the web store any further than that link. Anybody know someone who could sign and check? Thanks, Bill Sudbrink -- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.